Inspiring Tomorrow's Singers

What is the Future of Choral Music?

What is the Future of Choral Music?

As ensemble music making gradually emerges from hibernation around the world following the global pandemic of 2020, Rodolfus Foundation Musical Director Ralph Allwood spoke with international organ superstar Anna Lapwood; countertenor, vocal teacher, and conductor Ashley Stafford; and chair of the Cathedral Choirs Emergency Fund Peter Allwood to ponder the question: What is the future of choral music?


What are the latest developments regarding singing being banned?

Although the current climate leaves us feeling there is little hope of choral singing returning any time soon, we can feel encouraged by what is being discussed behind the scenes at Westminster. Peter Allwood gives us insight into the latest developments.

Are we experiencing 'virtual fatigue'?

Anna Lapwood shares her recent experience of lockdown fatigue, but sees the positives as musicians are encouraged to innovate and come up with new ways to engage people in the virtual world. Ashley Stafford says how he's enjoyed the inventiveness of groups such as Devine Music, expanding the reach of choral music to new audiences.

Well-being during Lockdown

Ashley Stafford coaches vocal students from ages 8-80, and has seen the effect the nationwide lockdown has had across the board. He believes working on their singing has been a hugely positive experience for all, but in different ways for each age group.

Does it seem like fewer children are joining choirs?

Ralph Allwood shares his concerns about the shrinking provision for choral singing in schools, and we hear from Ashley Stafford about the work of groups such as Libera to encourage boys to give singing a go.

Might there be more gap year opportunities for choristers?

With money so tight in religious institutions, could it be that churches and cathedrals will need to rely more heavily on young people on placements in the future? Peter Allwood believes this is very possible, but hopefully not at the expense of paid choristers.

In the long run, what musical good will come out of this time?

The group discuss how we can learn and preserve the best of what has been achieved so far, and what this time away from choral singing has helped them to appreciate more. Anna Lapwood and Ashley Stafford tell us how they are rekindling their love for rehearsals, and are cherishing the time they get to spend working on the music.

Thanks so much to Anna, Ashley, Peter, and Ralph for giving up their time to talk to us about this very important topic! You can watch the full hour-long discussion on the our YouTube channel, and don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest updates from The Rodolfus Foundation.

Want to read more? Check out Ralph’s chat answering the question “What Makes Great Music?”.