Roderick Williams
Photo Credit: Benjamin Ealovega
My first memories of the Choral Courses are from 1982, when, as a gawky teenager, I attended the Choral Course at Uppingham for my first time (I returned the following year, so important was it to me). It is no exaggeration to say that the course opened my eyes and mind to truly excellent choral singing and without this course it would never have occurred to me that one might apply for an Oxbridge choral scholarship. The encouragement and inspiration I received from the course tutors and also from my peers around me helped me to find my place in the musical world. The subsequent path of my career was, without doubt, shaped by this experience. Today, from the vantage point of an established career as a professional musician, it is wonderful to hear about all the exciting things happening in the Rodolfus Foundation, especially the excellent bursary opportunities which enable all young singers, whatever their financial means, to attend these superb Choral Courses, which are a unique musical opportunity for young people. I'm also thrilled to learn about the performance opportunities that continue to be taken on by the Rodolfus Choir, especially the performance in the Three Choirs Festival this summer, a festival with which I have strong links. It is also wonderful to see how the Junior Choral Courses and Choral Courses are now very much aligned as a unified path along which young singers can progress, with a musical journey starting at the age of 8 and continuing right through to young adulthood. Thank you so much for supporting the Rodolfus Foundation; we really are giving the singers of tomorrow the most wonderful start in life. I hope you enjoy reading this very first edition of our Newsletter!
Roderick Williams OBE, Summer 2019