Inspiring Tomorrow's Singers

Auditions 2024

Auditions 2024

The Rodolfus Choir is now welcoming applications for new singers aged 16-23 to join us for our 2024-2025 season. 

The Choir

The Rodolfus Choir is a leading UK youth choir for young people aged 16-23, many of whom have attended a Rodolfus Choral Course. Entry is by audition every Autumn. Singers are then invited to sign up to a number of exciting events across the year for an annual administration fee of £70 (financial support is available). Our aim is to offer professional, high quality choral singing opportunities and to share the wonderful choral repertoire with diverse audiences across the UK and beyond.

Auditions will take place in Central London in August, and are available to book now via the booking form below. Singers will be required to prepare a short extract (around 1-2mins) of a piece to sing unaccompanied and will also be required to undertake aural and sight-singing tests.

Upcoming events in the choir’s calendar include concerts in London, collaborations with The London International Conducting Competition and Stile Antico, and a recording in 2025. Full details of the Choir’s project schedule will be made available to successful applicants. 

The Audition

  • You will be asked to perform 1-2 mins of a prepared piece of any style which you feel shows off your voice, and which you enjoy singing

  • We will demonstrate and ask you to repeat some singing and listening exercises

  • You will be asked to complete a short extract of sight-singing

How to prepare

  • Choose an audition piece which you feel comfortable performing and which you know well

  • If you don’t feel like sight-singing is a strength, there are lots of resources around to help you improve including our very own course by Ralph Allwood, available here

  • Make sure you allow plenty of time to travel to the audition venue

Please contact the Assistant Director Elinor Cooper if you have any questions or are unable to make these dates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay to be a member of the choir?

There is an annual administration charge of £70, which helps to cover the running costs of organising all of the events for the year. Subsequent projects are almost always free of charge, and financial aid is available to those who need it both for the administration charge and for travel expenses to and from events thanks to the Chris Bennie Foundation. If you’d like to discuss financial assistance please contact Elinor Cooper, assistant director of the choir.

How old do I have to be?

You must be 16 by the 1st September 2024.

Can I sing a non-classical piece in my audition?

We enjoy all styles of music at The Rodolfus Foundation. It is worth considering that we are listening to hear whether your voice will perform well as part of a cohesive group, and you should choose a piece which allows us to hear healthy vocal technique.

Why do you have a sight-singing test?

Sight-singing is a really important skill to any choral singer, especially when you have limited rehearsal time as often occurs on Rodolfus projects.

When and where do the choir rehearse?

The choir meet for short projects (1-5 days) throughout the year, usually in Central London. The timetable is planned to allow for commutes from locations outside London, usually not starting before 10 and finishing by 7pm.

Do you provide accomodation?

We aren’t able to provide accommodation for choir events. Members often find places to stay with fellow choir members, and if this is likely to be a barrier to your attending we will always do our best to help find a solution.

How many events do I need to attend per year?

We expect Rodolfus Choir members to attend as many events as they are able across the academic year to make the most of the opportunity of being in the choir, with a minimum expectation of attendance at at least one event every season. If you have not attended an event by the end of the season you may need to re audition to remain a member of the choir.

If you have questions which are not answered above please contact Elinor Cooper, assistant director of the choir.